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Kwanza Collection

Artist-Kwanza Collection
Basket Weavers

Kwanza Collection works with women’s groups in the Njombe and Iringa regions to produce the unique Iringa Baskets which are only found in this remote part of Tanzania. Woven utilizing local milulu grasses and natural dyes, these authentic baskets have a very natural and timeless appeal. 

The mission of Kwanza Collection is to contribute positively towards poverty alleviation in Tanzania by increasing the volume and value of sales, paying their women artisan partners a fair wage so as to enable them to meet their needs for shelter, education and health care. As they increase their income, they improve their living standards and are able to support their families and send their children to school. They have trained over 450 women  to teach them how to process the natural dye pigments into a powder, boil it with water to dye the grass, and finally weave the baskets. This is a process that has many steps and requires weeks to complete. They also assist them with product development, production set up and storage.

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